Monday, February 20, 2012

K-Juan "Moses"
Know Thy Self

"There are three Things extremely hard, Steel, a Diamond, and to know one's self.
 -Benjamin Franklin 

On February 14th I got a call from a friend he asked me where i had been, and why hadn't i contacted him since new years. 

I told him that since new years i have been in a cave... The platonic cave of mental enslavement that Socrates spoke of in Platos Republic. 

Ever since i decided to break my political ties with the LaRouche Political Action Committee Ive slowly sauntered Spiritualy into the Sullen Cave of my enslavement. 

I lurched down to the depth of immobilizing depression, picked up the technological shackles of this lethargical modern ear, strapped them to my legs wrist and neck and sat unthinking in front of most dazzling shadow show i could afford.   

For those who know nothing of the world outside the cave, who were born into its shackles and raised within its dark mind tranquilizing light, the cave my not be a bad place to be.

But for me, this cave of mine is causing amnesia. I am beginning to forget who I once was. Who I became. Who i use to be i can no longer see clearly. The person that i was i decided to break from. That person who sits on the seat of my soul that inner man who can only be seen by those whose minds have been illuminated and only starkly and as if in a mirror, i can no longer see.. Instead that person is a memory.

My decision to re-enter the cave i had escaped from as boy has caused me to lose site of my self.

My friend asked me a question that night... Can I See My Self?     

Can You See Your Self?