21 Days To Virtue
"God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
- Moses, Genesis 1:27.
From my youth to understand, embody, and live the truth of Genesis 1:27 has been my sole desire.
Nothing will stand in the way of me becoming what i desire no depression, no inactivity, no failing grade, no insecurities no mistakes, nor anything else not even me.
If i have to destroy my self to become something better, than i'll sacrifice who i am and become as Moses declared humanity to be; In the Image of God.
I am a creative creature who's will has the power to manifest what is not. To bring into being what has never been. To live in accordance with the forces of creation and act with power authority wisdom and love,
I dedicate the next 21 days of my life to these ends.